Friday, 27 July 2012

On your marks, get set, go!

Today's the day. London 2012 kicks off later with the long-awaited opening ceremony.
OK, so technically it's already started, but I really struggle to count football as an Olympic sport.
I guess we're all wondering who's going to light the Olympic flame tonight - and just how spectacular it can be. There are so many sports I'm excited to see and, thanks to being on maternity leave, I'm hoping to make the most of the coverage - from canoeing, three-day eventing and diving to cycling, rowing and the marathon.
There's been a 10-week marathon of a different kind, travelling around the country, hyping up the Olympic fever, with 8,000 torch bearers carrying the Torch. It's estimated 3million people will have seen the Torch on its journey, and there were around 20,000 who turned out in Haverfordwest a few weeks ago.
It was my first outing with baby and camera so it took a bit of planning to find a spot where we wouldn't get squashed and where I'd be able to get some pics.
There was a great atmosphere with genuine excitement and anticipation among the families waving their flags. Even the dogs wanted to be a part of it...

The reason for my excuses

So, it's been a while. You could say I've had my hands full these past few months.
Here she is, the reason for my dearth of blogs. Hopefully you'll agree, she really is a very good excuse.


9 weeks

16 weeks

16 weeks

With daddy on our first holiday 

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Wet and wild...

As if you needed it, here's another reason to love Pembrokeshire and all it has to offer.
Even to my untrained eyes, these waves looked pretty impressive - and judging by the number of surfers, bobbing around like seals in the winter swell, they were a challenge for these brave* (*maybe a little crazy) souls.

These pics were taken at Broadhaven (South) on a chilly, blustery day. I'd taken the camera, and the dogs, for a walk - and at seven months' pregnant decided on the 'easy' option of parking at the car park above the beach rather than the usual walk around the lily pools. It didn't feel so easy walking back up the steps on the way back, when the bump and a lack of oxygen forced me to stop twice, but then again it's always nice to take in the stunning Pembrokeshire views.
I don't know how surfers know where the best waves are going to be, but they must have a good communications set-up because we arrived in the car park to find lots of vehicles. Fairly unusual for a weekday in the middle of the winter, when I'd expected us to have the beach to ourselves - another perk of Pembrokeshire at this time of year.
Anyway, the beach itself was empty - much to the satisfaction of the two collies who needed to use up some of that boundless energy - but it was a little more congested in the waves...

I liked this one and tweaked it in Aperture. It must be my newspaper background, but I don't tend to like over-processed shots so I'm hoping I haven't overdone it. Let me know what you think…

And a final word of warning to all you surfers, dog walkers and beach fans out there - we found this washed up on the sand which could do some serious damage to feet and paws, so keep a lookout…